ISANNE Best Practices
We adhere to ISANNE Best practices for admissions and financial aid
ISANNE Best Practices
We adhere to ISANNE Best practices for admissions and financial aid
The following document has been developed as “Best Practices” for ISANNE schools relating to admissions, financial aid, and hiring. The Best Practices appear on the ISANNE web site and will also be reviewed with all new heads of schools annually. It is intended that each Head of School will provide these Best Practices to professionals who are impacted by its contents. The expectation is that all points be instituted consistent with the spirit of its intent. While many individuals in an ISANNE school may participate in these processes, the Head of School is responsible for ensuring that the following standards are met.
Need–based financial aid is the primary means to support access to independent schools by students of diverse socio–economic levels. For this reason, ISANNE strongly endorses need–based financial aid and recommends that assistance be granted primarily on the basis of demonstrated financial need. While many individuals in an ISANNE school may participate in the financial aid process, the Head of School is responsible for ensuring that the following standards are met.
Adapted from The Association of Independent Maryland Schools Code of Ethics
(*) Adapted from The National Association of Independent Schools “Principles of Good Practice”